Full Compliance Monitoring Platform

We offer a full compliance monitoring platform that allows operators to perform and monitor their audits, findings, and follow-up actions all from the same platform. Allowing you to easily track audit progress, gain insight into findings that came up during a audit, and keep track of follow-up steps to resolve the issues at hand.

High-quality Audit Content

Audit checklists are constantly kept up-to-date to ensure it meets the requirements set by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and national checklist requirements and can also customized to your company’s need.

Why Illumbra?

If you're an aircraft operator, you know how important it is to have a good compliance system in place. Unfortunately, many operators, especially small NCC and SPO operators, struggle with the increasing pressure from authorities to implement proper compliance monitoring. This can be especially challenging if you don't have the necessary personnel to manage the process efficiently.

That's where Illumbra comes in. Our platform is designed to streamline the compliance process and make it as easy as possible for operators, regardless of whether they are NCC, CAT, or SPO. With Illumbra, you can manage and perform your compliance audits remotely, saving time and resources.

At Illumbra, we've noticed an increase in the pressure from authorities on small NCC and SPO operators to implement proper compliance monitoring. That's why we've designed our platform to be as cost-efficient as possible, while still providing all the necessary tools to ensure compliance. We understand the challenges that some operations face when it comes to compliance, and we've made it our mission to make the process as simple and user-friendly as possible.

Overall, Illumbra aims to be a solution for aircraft operators looking to meet the increasing demand for proper compliance monitoring in a efficient and cost-effective manner, whether it’s when setting up a compliance monitoring system from the ground up or implementing it in your current workflow.

Top Features.

  • Remote Auditing

    The platform has been built in such a way it can either be used for in-person audits or completely remotely.

  • High-quality Audit Content

    Audit checklists are constantly kept up-to-date to ensure it meets the requirements set by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and national checklist requirements and is also customized to your company’s need.

  • Support

    We will help you with setting up and using the platform start to finish and customize checklists specifically to your company's needs. We’re also ready to support you and improve the platform as we grow with you.

  • External Auditors

    Need help from external auditors? We will put you in touch with qualified auditors who are trained to use our platform to guarantee a smooth audit.